Simple Chic

So I have made my first ever graphic, I worked non stop no breaks and it took my 6 hours. I feel fat but I'm satisfied! I hope you like it!

I am in love with the knees, i feel it is the best part, and the shoes. I like the dress and the hands. What do you guys think? Tell me in the comments! The dress is custom! but the pose is actually from a clothing store! I am just so happy with this! I thought it was kinda hard though. But that wont stop me!


  1. So you really didn't need to sit down and do 6 hrs straight - it's not about working at it all at once, you should take your time and regular breaks. I can work on a graphic for 20mins one day and maybe just get a hand shaded for example, but I don't pressure it to get done. Graphics aren't about speed!

    First things first - skin tone! The legs are completely different to the rest and seem to have a more pink-y base. I'd suggest for this model to go with the one you've chosen for the arms. Also watch out on your edges, there's a few little sharp corners which aren't natural to the arms or legs. LAYER! Do your skin and clothing in different layers, they will overlap so whatever is underneath make sure that it does indeed cover the edges - look at the neckline of the dress to see what I mean. The shading on the knee looks like an ok start, but it's a very basic shade and it looks like the only shading done on the legs other than some horrible blending I see. Don't blend - that's a rule to follow for sure! Highlighting too, that shouldn't be forgotten, so take a look at lighting angles to see where it would be. Also consider the leg bones, when you do, you'll see that depth is needed where you just have a flat layer right now. Arms don't have any shading or highlighting at all, so there's a lack there! Same goes for the neck apart from the attempted collar bone - collar bones just don't sit like that (take it from an Anatomy graduate, they really don't!), so it seems you really need to spend time considering anatomy. Again, hands missing shading and highlighting other than a little to define between the fingers. Hands can be tricky as they are detailed, but just zoom right in when you're working on them so you pretty much just have the hand in the screen.
    And clothes need shading and highlighting too! You don't need to work on every aspect of graphics at once, it's almost better to spend time just focusing on mastering a technique that suits you for one aspect before moving on to the next.

    P.S To readers, don't think I'm just being harsh, I was asked to provide critiques of the graphics!

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really appreciate you doing this Kirsten. :)


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